New lottie nottie assistant creative director

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I have spent a lot of time designing all aspects of lottie nottie, the logo, the cards the clips are on, the website, the photography – as well as the actual products. This has been a really enjoyable process and I thought I was doing well until I was designing a new image for the website homepage and facebook page.

I was cutting strawberries up for Emily and thought I would do some shots of our bestselling strawberry hair clips while I had a big bowl of strawberries. So while I was playing around with the strawberries I came up with this shot.

I was quite happy with it until I turned round to see that Lucy had been quietly working on her own shot behind my back.

Now I thought that was quite good. I was impressed with her composition but no, Lucy did not think it was not quite right.

And I think she was right, I like her reworked composition.

So I have appointed Lucy assistant creative director of lottie nottie and she accepted the role graciously.

P.S In exchange for her creative input Lucy will be receiving hair clips, lots of hair clips.