To rabbit or not to rabbit? That is the question.

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‘The sun has shone here all weekend. About blooming time. We have had a lovely weekend. We had lunch with friends and have spent a lot of time playing in the garden. This week it is four years since we moved into our house. It is a great place to live but ever since we moved in there has been a little empty part.

I have always said that we can’t have a rabbit because we had a cat. But our cat sadly passed away recently so Lucy has started on a campaign for a rabbit to join the family.

I do really love a little bunny rabbit but I am not sure we are ready for another pet. Just ask our fish, things are a bit busy around here.

So for the time being Lucy is just going to have to enjoy her bunny rabbit hair clips.

If you see lottie nottie puppy hair clips you know that they have started a campaign for a dog!





2 thoughts on “To rabbit or not to rabbit? That is the question.

  1. […] a rabbit is looking like a much more likely […]

  2. […] then as Sylvain had been travelling all day he decided to have an early night. Though we have an empty hutch it was decided that he would sleep in Lucy’s room. The next morning Lucy woke up to find […]

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